Some notes on creating a child theme: 1. This directory contains a very minimal example of a Weaver Child theme. 2. You can use functions.php to write functions to override any function in the main theme that is wrapped by an "if (!function_exists('func_name'))" check. Most of these are in functions.php, but a few are found elsewhere in the code. 3. You can provide a complete replacement for template-type files in the parent. These are files that generate output HTML directly such as 404.php, archive.php, or footer.php. You can tell these mostly because they generate lots of HTML that will make up the final output page, and that many of them are used by the "get_template_part" function. 4. The sample code has an example of overriding a template part - 404.php. There are comments in the file to explain. 5. Another example. Say you wanted to replace Weaver's selection of subthemes. This is all controlled by specific functions. Most are in the file wvr_subthemes.php, and are wrapped by function_exists calls. There is one more related function (weaver_activate_subtheme) in wvr-settings-lib.php. You can override any or all of the relevant functions as needed to create your own subthemes list. Because none of these are template parts, everything is handled via function_exists wraps. 6. Weaver never was very carefully designed to accommodate child themes, but it has improved over time. If there are sections that need function_exists wrapping, or should be template files, suggestions are welcome.