Google Acquires Omnisio To Spice Up YouTube
Posted July 24th, 2008 - 8:39 am in: Some Category, Search Engines
Google has acquired Atherton, CA based startup Omnisio, the companies are announcing this afternoon. Omnisio, which is a Y Combinator company, first demo’d to us in early March 2008, and it launched later that month. The price is not being disclosed, but we hear the deal is all cash and is in the $15 million range.
The company was founded by three Australians (Ryan Junee, Julian Frumar and Simon Ratner). The service lets users annotate videos, mash various clips up, and synchronize Slideshare presentations to videos (great for conference presentations). Omnisio users can extract sections of clips they amounts of capital in very early stage companies, usually at the idea stage. Reddit was acquired in late 2006 and Auctomatic was snapped up can extract.
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Posted July 24th, 2008 - 8:39 am in: Some Category, Search EnginesDonec venenatis enim ut tortor. Donec erat orci, dignissim at, laoreet ac, aliquet at, quam. Nullam erat sapien, iaculis vel, egestas sit amet, porttitor sit amet, velit. Vivamus metus velit, egestas sed, dictum quis, tincidunt eget, mi. Pellentesque id nunc. Fusce malesuada facilisis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Etiam a risus a augue posuere imperdiet. Donec ac nibh. Suspendisse nisl purus, interdum vitae, vulputate vitae, porttitor id, eros. Nunc nisi est, commodo id, viverra vel, ullamcorper in, arcu. Integer orci. Praesent urna. Donec semper lacus. Quisque posuere ornare ligula.
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Posted July 24th, 2008 - 8:39 am in: Some Category, Search Engines
The company was founded by three Australians (Ryan Junee, Julian Frumar and Simon Ratner). The service lets users annotate videos, mash various clips up, and synchronize
Slideshare presentations to videos (great for conference presentations). Omnisio users can extract
sections of clips they find on the web (currently only those on YouTube, Google Video, or
They can then take those clips and stitch them together to form new, embeddable compilations.
Donec ac nibh. Suspendisse nisl purus, interdum vitae, vulputate vitae,
porttitor id, eros. Nunc nisi est, commodo id, viverra vel, ullamcorper in, arcu. Integer orci.
They can then take those clips and stitch them together to form new, embeddable compilations.
Donec ac nibh. Suspendisse nisl purus, interdum vitae, vulputate vitae,
Praesent urna. Donec semper lacus. Quisque posuere ornare ligula. They can then take those clips and stitch.
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